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This recipe packs in eight Briess trademarked malts. Fermented and hopped as an Oktoberfest it is set apart by its distinct nutty and subtle roasted character.

Type: Lager

Style: Vienna / Oktoberfest / Marzen

Batch Size: 5 gallons

Recipe Type: All grain

Recipe Contributed By: Briess Technical Services Team


Quantity Ingredient Comment Malt Style
5 lbs Goldpils® Vienna Malt Base
3.5 lbs Ashburne® Mild Malt Base
2 lbs Bonlander® Munich Malt Kilned, Munich
0.5 lb Carapils® Malt Dextrine
10 oz Victory® Malt Roasted, Biscuit
6 oz Caracrystal® Wheat Malt Caramel, Crystal
5 oz Carabrown® Malt Roasted, Brown
0.5 oz Blackprinz® Malt Bitterless Black
1.5 oz Hallertau Tradition (7.0% AA hop) 60 min boil
0.5 oz Hallertau Taurus (14.0%AA hop) 20 min boil
0.5 oz Hallertau Taurus (14.0% AA hop) 5 min boil
2 vials White Labs WLP820 Oktoberfest/Marzen Lager Yeast
1 capsule Servomyces Yeast Nutrient 10 min boil


  1. Mash grains at 148-152ºF for 45 minutes
  2. Heat to 170ºF
  3. Lauter
  4. Boil with bittering hops for 40 minutes
  5. Add second hop adition, boil 15 minutes
  6. Add third hop addition, boil 5 minutes
  7. Cool to 54ºF, oxygenate wort
  8. Pitch 2 vials WLP820 Oktoberfest/Marzen Lager Yeast

Primary Fermentation: 2-4 weeks at 54ºF

Secondary Fermentation: 1 month at 36ºF

Fermentation Notes: Force Carbonate or Bottle Condition with 1/4 pack of WLP820

Original Gravity: 1.062

Final Gravity: 1.016

Alcohol by Weight: 4.8%

Alcohol by Volume: 5.9%

IBU: 25

Color: 19


©2008-2025 Briess Malt & Ingredients