Whether malt extract makes up a little or a lot of your beer recipe, you want it to be fresh, full flavored and a high quality performer. That’s why we recommend brewing with CBW® pure malt extracts—brewer’s grade malt extracts that are:
- Fresh – Produced in America’s Heartland so they escape the rigors of transoceanic transportation.
- Rich, Full Flavored – Made from blends of high quality, rich, full flavored Briess malts.
- Top Performers – Produced using a multiple step infusion brewing process for high fermentability and FAN – critical for brewing.
Fresh…and versatile
We make CBW® pure malt extracts in a variety of flavors so home and commercial brewers alike can create any style they like, or use CBW® for yeast propagation or to adjust gravity, color or flavor.
- Extract Brewing – Use one or combine several CBW® styles to develop traditional to experimental beers.
- Extract and Specialty Grain Brewing – Unleash your brewing creativity by cracking and steeping specialty grains into extract brews.
- All Grain Brewing – Increase capacity, save time or adjust the gravity, color or flavor of beer.
Fresh…and the best
CBW® is short for Concentrated Brewers Wort. Developed in the 1980s for the blossoming American craft brewing industry, it was designed to offer the same successful brewing experience as all grain brewing. Today Briess continues that tradition, producing CBW® to the highest quality standards possible for your brewing success. Characteristics that put CBW® pure malt extracts in a class by themselves include:

- Unhopped
- Non-diastatic
- 100% pure malt extract
- Preserves the “all malt” character of beers
- Consistently superior quality Produced in 500bbl brewhouse
- High degree of fermentability
- High degree of FAN
- Made in the U.S.A.
- Made from North American barley
- Multiple packaging options