During our current times of “Stay at Home” or “Shelter in Place” — consumers have dashed towards retailers to gather all kinds of essentials…toiletries, groceries, and of course alcohol — hopefully beer! Larger breweries across the country have been impacted by our current times, but even more so the smaller scale breweries. With smaller capacities, a large percentage of profits funnel through in the on-premise environment. Following breweries on social channels, it’s clear the term “to-go” has developed an entirely new meaning. Please continue to support the local craft breweries and homebrewing retailers in your community.

AHA Big Brew Page

You might be asking yourself what’s happening in the homebrew industry. Shops have been closed to continue social distancing, but what has emerged from the shadows once again is homebrewing! Brewing enthusiasts who once convinced their significant other it was time to try homebrewing, only to have the equipment sit in the garage or basement gathering cobwebs after brewing the inaugural libation, are thinking about shaking off that dust. Fear no more, creative juices are in full force once again! Homebrewers are flocking to the internet to support their local homebrew retailer or ordering supplies through e-commerce. Retail owners as well have adopted a new to-go model with taking online orders and scheduling appointment times for pickup. It’s a new “normal” for now and it’s time to really celebrate and embrace Pledge to Homebrew Day on Saturday, May 2nd, 2020.

On May 7th, 1988 Congress was introduced to National Homebrew Day. The American Homebrewers Association (AHA) created “Big Brew” as an annual event to celebrate homebrewing around the world. Big Brew provided the platform for events to be held on the first Saturday in May throughout the country. In the past, homebrew retailers always hosted a big event to bring everyone together and brew with your local homebrew club or participate in a homebrew event. In our current climate, this won’t be feasible. Instead, let’s all celebrate by brewing at home. Mark your calendars, order your supplies, dust off your equipment and get back to homebrewing! Check out our blog for recipes.

“This year’s celebration of Big Brew is more important than ever. Homebrewing is an extremely social hobby. In today’s world of social distancing, homebrewing on May 2 is a way that we can all feel together again by sharing in a hobby that we all enjoy. Every person who fires up their brew kettle on May 2 can smile knowing that thousands of people around the world are doing the exact same thing.” According to Matt Bolling, Event Planner for the American Homebrewers Association (AHA).

Check out the American Homebrewers Association (AHA) website for more details: https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/aha-events/national-homebrew-day/